Saturday, 19 March 2011

The Mediterranean World in Alnarp

Camellia in one of the greenhouses

The students at the course Indoor Garden Design at the University in Alnarp in southern Sweden have three small greenhouses as laboratory units for their studies in plant knowledge and design. As the Mediterranean world has a tremendous amount of interesting and useful plants for city spaces under glass, the students has a huge range of plants to learn about and to chose from for their indoor garden design projects.  

Here the students are making the green plant wall more complete. They are planting Selaginella, Saxifraga stolonifera and other plants in the empty pockets of the wall cover.  Pest control is made by releasing predators in the greenhouses. Checking leaves to identify insects and mites is an important task.


  1. Here the learners are making the green plant divider more finish. They are planting Selaginella, Saxifraga stolonifera and different plants in the unfilled pockets of the divider blanket. Pest control is made by discharging predators in the nurseries. Checking leaves to recognize creepy crawlies and vermin is a paramount undertaking.

    dosing unit

  2. The learners at the course Indoor Garden Design at the University in Alnarp in southern Sweden have three little nurseries as research center units for their studies in plant learning and outline.

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